Friday, November 30, 2012

Words are not enough.

We hear thoughts of wisdom in every corner of our way to somewhere. They make sense. They say, 'Happiness is accepting who you are', 'Your dreams will come true if you follow them'...  I don't know, there are so many proverbs, and fabulous quotes about living life... But, here’s what I’ve just realized. The idea of Happiness, of Love, of Gratitude it’s just a thought, words put together to create a sense of something that could be real, but it’s not. So, while we're feeding ourselves of lovely ideas about Life, and we should live it, we’re just grasping the whole “choose life” stuff.

Practice is Life.

We need inspiration to feed our mind, like we need nutritive food to feed our body, but we taste the food, the temperature, the consistency, its flavor. So, how do we taste inspiration? We get inspired and then what happens?

We need to make things happen. We need to touch, to feel, to smell, to build with our owns hands, to get cut, to get all cover in dirt, paint or soaking wet from the rain, to live the INSPIRATION. To be inspired means to have been directly and immediately incited by some “divine” influence to act.

We were born inspired. This is such a powerful thought.
We were born inspired.

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