Thursday, January 3, 2013

Remember to play... and choose Life.

I’ve lost how you just forget about others and play like a little kid, as if no one is watching. I’ve forgot how to create for the simple pleasure of it and I’ve become too fearful of wasting time, and I waste time just by worrying about it. I forgot about the simplicity of being alive and the greatness of it. I’ve become too attached to comfort, stability, and I’ve become fearful of change, of tracing my very own path. I’ve grown old by being scared of not being adult enough. I’ve forgot how to play with Life.

I hope Passion visits me again. I hope Love returns with a long tight hug, whispering everything will be ok. I hope Goofiness springs out of my pores, contaminating everyone around me, and everyone around them. I hope Courage roars loud inside my heart, and my eyes reflect the sweet shimmer of ocean’s brightness. I hope that just like a wave, I will wash away back into the beautiful wild beaches of my own very essence, and I can become Free, Strong, and Kind towards myself, and towards others.

I know very little about everything. Knowing that should be enough to Forgive, to Understand, and to be Humble about Life. Of course I have many lessons to learn, and many mistakes to make, and many battles to win. I’ve forgot that Life is happening, right here, right now.

“Let’s go everywhere, even though we’re scared, because it’s Life and it’s happening, it’s really, really happening” (from “You, Me & Everyone we know”)

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