Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Speculative belief = rationality
Belief speculated = spirituality

... It's here on Earth that there's weight, volume, physical sensitivity. Beyond, all we know its that theres no air or gravity. We float and die if there isn't any artificial oxygen given... Two different worlds part of one single Universe. Could this be used as a metaphor for ourselves? Our inner and outer existence?

Well, long time ago, in our evolution, palaeontology period (5th bC), man in it's evolution did start to think more outside itself, and more in terms of group, expanding to rituals that marked important stages in one's individual Life, especially, it seems, in that finishing moment: death.

Painted rocks, shells, animal bones, caves, to say goodbye and celebrate the moment of one's passage into another world. This is when artists actually began evolving into carrying an important role in society, by creating group union and meaning, meaning in the natural known space and beyond.

Were they conscious of that spirituality necessity?

So little do we know about our evolution, despite the evidence that we respected values and based our whole evolution in the strength of group union and faith.

We had no idea of machines, and we grew stronger than never. Nowadays, we act as machines, but how many of us truly feels strong in their hope and faith in Life, in our neighbour, in our beliefs...

From the Aboriginal people it has been passed the legacy of important values such as in the Ojibwe People and their Seven Grandfathers: Wisdom; Love; Respect; Bravery; Honesty; Humility and Truth... just a quick side track, Love is described in the word zaagi'idiwin and represents the concept of treasure, you treasure someone, or you are treasured by someone.

... money and competition are separating us more than ever. This addiction of constant social "pings", brings us to the level of any dog in a Pavlov conditioning test, we wait and expect for a message, a like, a new feed. And we loose track of what really matters: to be and engage in reality, in a way that matters to the next generation.

Unfortunately emptiness is starting to rule most of our actions, but even though it is said to be important by meditation and yoga teachers, its not emptiness that connects you to this world, it's not emptiness that opens your arms to give care and shelter. It's Love. It's Respect. It's Honesty. It's empathy and understanding over our ignorance and repeated attempts to grow and evolve. It's Love.

Love that forgives and accepts mistakes. Love that leads you into enthusiasm, passion, excitement and joy. Love as hope. Let's not wait to make sense of things one day. The real sense for everything should be: because it feels right, it feels good and no one is hurt by your choice. We are still part of a tribe, humankind. Ask any parent, friend who has lost all they had, what is the one thing that would destroy them if gone.

"'It would not be much of a universe
if it wasn't home to the people you love."
Professor Hawkings

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