Monday, January 24, 2011

... desapontamento.

O que é abster-se? Porquê abster-se? Que desapontamento, porque apesar de terem direito, de terem a liberdade de escolher, tanta gente não escolhe e deixa os outros escolherem por elas.

Que desapontamento, que o mesmo homem que não consegue brincar com uma criança, nem ser verdadeiro provando-se espontâneo e genuíno, tenha voltado ao seu trono.

Precisamos tanto de alguém que não pense por nós mas pelos nossos pequeninos, que de consciência livre nos perguntam, mas porquê é que eles fazem se sabem que é errado, ninguém ralha com eles??

A diferença e a prova do meu descontentamento: "Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." Baraka Obama

And from the same man:

"People don't expect government to solve all their problems. But they sense, deep in their bones, that with just a slight change in priorities, we can make sure that every child in America has a decent shot at life, and that the doors of opportunity remain open to all. They know we can do better."

"I wish this country had fewer lawyers and more engineers."

Sunday, January 2, 2011


The Ego either wants to live in the Past, regretting what it could have done differently, or it lives in the Future, constantly afraid of what can happen. Don’t let it. Set yourself free. By now you’ll now what is it that you want: you’re probably thinking about it all the time, or you keep pushing it for later, or you keep it as a secret dream, as a secret wish.

“And so, for the sake of momentum
I'm condemning the future to death
So it can match the past.
Momentum - Aimee mann

Here’s a simple truth: without hard work, without commitment, without effort, you’re not getting anywhere you want.

So, live your dream, it’s inside of you. Every each day there’ll be new opportunities for you to succeed, but you really need to commit and work hard to get where you want.

Work hard towards your happiness and stop wasting time judging yourself or others.

Find what moves you, and act on it. Good luck for 2011.

  Learn about tolerance, patience, understanding, simplicity...

Enjoy nature, the ocean, share songs with friends, feel the sun or the warmth of a fire camp.
Feel grateful

Feel unconditional love for yourself, you're your own best friend. Be kind to you. Hug yourself.

Feel passionate! Hug, kiss, laugh! Not that many other things really matter. 

Feel the support of the people that love you, and share that. With a song, with a smile, with a hug.

 and work hard...