From nothing to everything...
"Everything in your body, and everything you can see
around you, is made up of tiny objects called atoms. Atoms come in
different types called elements. Hydrogen, oxygen and carbon are three
of the most important elements in your body […] How did those elements get into our bodies? The only way they could
have got there, to make up all the material on our Earth, is if some of
those stars exploded a long time ago, spewing all the elements from
their cores into space. Then, about four and a half billion years ago,
in our part of our galaxy, the material in space began to collapse. This
is how the Sun was formed, and the solar system around it, as well as
the material that forms all life on earth. So, most of the atoms that now make up your body were created inside
stars! The atoms in your left hand might have come from a different star
from those in your right hand. You are really a child of the stars."
- Particle physicist and cosmologist Lawrence Krauss
Lawrence Krauss on Cosmic Connections from
The School of Life on
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