Monday, October 8, 2012

A different raison d’être

"(...) We are here because the Earth wants us here. Life requires a very specific kind of environment in order to survive and evolve. Life is a phenomenon that emerges when the right balance of ingredients come together. The right distance from the sun, the right amount of oxygen in the air, the right ratio of salt in the ocean, etc.

We exist because everything is right in this world.

It is only when we start looking for a reason to exist from a culture or society or other people that we open ourselves to suffering and insecurity. Look around. We are all hairless apes in suits and dresses playing out an amnesiac drama. Take a moment to laugh, because it’s pretty funny when you think about and acknowledge that.

The human game is amusing. It isn’t bad or good; nature leaves nothing to be improved upon. The game is for fun. If we can innovate and provide aid to those in need, wonderful. But there is no winning or losing; it’s all just organic chemistry playing around.

Shift your mandate, your raison d’être, from something describable in words to an awareness of your interdependence with nature. You are nature.

When Buddha was grilled about his new state of Being, and about his reason for still being here, he simply touched the ground in response. The cosmos thrummed in reply.
Touch the earth and let go of everything else."

- Namaste, sangha (

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