Saturday, February 2, 2019

Dignity in staying alive

"Who are we when we are together with no one but ourselves?"
Ursula K. Le Guin

Don't fail to stay young and curious (or ignorant with thirst for knowledge).
Unlearn the habit of having to be someone else or nothing at all. Stop practicing the imitation of other voices and mistaking the faces of others for your own.

When we search outside for approval, for proof of some sanity, we loose what we feel as most precious to us, the self.

Everything that is good and joyful and fruitful comes from the pleasure of living the self freely. No fear, no resentment. Accepting our nature, accepting our foolish ways. 

We were all born with specifics traits, stop denying them. Work them out, sculpt them smoother, find a more balanced shape, but don't change your own nature, the same way a sculptor would ruin a piece by destroying the real nature of the material it is working on. Even the artist that burns or covers his piece, is showing the true nature of his intentions, and the nature of the chosen material.

We tend to hold on to this idea that Life is this sort of packaged experience.
No, we are unwrapped off, right when we are born into this world.

Who we are was not borrowed from anything else. We are, we are born to be.
And today, tomorrow, or yesterday, we will always be who we have become and so much of what we have not become...

... Don't quit, don't run away. Face those ghosts.

There's dignity in being optimistic. Believe in that.
There's dignity in Hope.
There's dignity in trying to stay alive.

Life is brief, and we all know that what truly makes us want to survive, even in the face of a hard prognosis, are those comforting recollections of what we meant to another…
On the opposite side, the heaviest burden in dying, is the feeling of regret over conflicts unresolved, breached relationships not healed, potential unfulfilled, promises not kept, words that were not said.

But... to find some comfort in all that cannot be changed, through those pitfalls of decision-making, forgive yourself, have the willingness to accept responsibility for your own life and...

Live as if you were living already for the second time and as if you had acted the first time as wrongly as you are about to act now!” (meaning, laugh of yourself, and life's unfair rules)
Viktor Frankl

We didn't know any better, or we just didn't have in ourselves the strength to collapse and cry, and show the verge of madness we felt inside ourselves.

The only cure, path to find that "dignity" in being alive? ... stay kind with yourself, which can only be reached through Love. Only through Love can you see yourself as you who truly are, can you look into someone else's eyes. We have to touch and be touched. We must gain Dignity, Respect.

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