Monday, September 26, 2022

Fullness of Being

 I felt down in my soul the clear and unmistakable conviction to disobey all, and pursue my own way,” young Whitman wrote. I have felt it also, and have let my conscious lose the war between rationality and emotions, but unfortunately suddenly I found myself, alone in my own thoughts, and surviving from post war wounds.

That's it, isn't? We are all survivors of something.
It's not safe to be an idealist, but it's not healthy either to live only upon the superficial.

Speaking from your heart it's really an act of courage and endurance, resistance.
We all know how anxiety creates fear, failures, hey, it can lead anyone into drowning on dry land. The only way out is to listen to your truth, your mind. Listen to yourself till all voices calm down and peace starts to settle in. Only then can we seek out what magnifies our spirit. Magic exists, and we are all capable of performing it. I sometimes tell my to myself to not care about what others think and dare to be thought irrational... For some that's called Faith or Hope.

Find that Hope that it's not passive nor patient; on the contrary, that's impatient and active.
Thinking too much, being critical and rational will only bear any fruit when it is blended with the most precious quality man is endowed with — the love of life, but where can we find that bless, that desire to celebrate life? Got an answer... we can find it in having Pleasure.

Make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal, until bit by bit the walls of the ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly merged in the universal life.” as said by Bertrand Russell.

We are, after all, made of the same stuff.

With my vision distorted by tiredness, fear and a sense of not belonging, I realize that as said by amazing author Margaret Fuller, “(...) nothing more widely distinguishes man from man than energy of will,” and I have felt it, that "energy of will" that irrepressible aliveness through pleasure. 
The best pure source? Nature, wilderness.

We are all a fractal of nature, energy vibes, particles of the perfect totality of the universe that we call One, Oneness. We need to connect back into the unknown.

"It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; 
it is easy in solitude to live after our own; 
but the great man* is he who in the midst of the crowd 
keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude."

-  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Art by Dorothy Lathrop, 1922

Fullness of being, the Pleasure of a sublime integration of emotion with the intellect and the body. 

As a very special friend taught me:

... how we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” 
- Annie Dillard.

Choose Life. Choose Celebration.

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